With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Completer finishers

Well they are, and so are a few others around me, but I still have a few things to do and I'm back blipping now.

I've bleached a lot of tupperware today, but that's another story. The boys and Mrs P did a lot of things while I was at work, and continued when I returned. The wonderful local Police have located my lost driving license, so they will receive some biscuits tomorrow, along with the bank where I left it. My neighbour, whom I had never met before, thanked me with great gusto for the plant I left after semi blocking her door a few weeks ago, so I have made a new friend there. Small acts of kindness are the only way I think. And we have received many today, including a great meal and hospitality. Mrs P is enamoured and VERY TIRED tonight. As are these two.

This blip is for Sam, my wonderful nephew, who found out he has gained a very well deserved 2.1 We celebrated for you sweetheart xxxxxxx

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