The Gangs all here!

It's that time of the year again.  Time to finalise the books so that we can drop them off to the accountant early in July.  I've spent the day at the computer pouring over figures and I lost count of the cups of tea I've had today.

The Gang Gangs came to my blip rescue once again and I was so happy to see them arrive on cue at 4.30 this afternoon.  I have been happily testing out my new zoom lens which was a "Big Birthday Present" from my wonderful friend.  I have been deliberating for weeks over which one to buy and I finally decided that I would graduate to the Sony SAL70300G2 zoom lens.

It was so tempting to go to the larger 400 and I'm sure one day I will be brave enough to tackle the "Big Daddy" lenses.  However I had to think seriously about how I would use the zoom and I felt that at this stage I would have to use a tripod if I was to be successful with the heavier lens.  A kilo and a half is quite something to manage.  CCN and I will be racing all over the countryside shortly and I'll often be wanting to use it on the run.  You know, jumping out of the car to take a pic a wedge tail eagles etc, etc, etc.  I now have to practise like mad with my beautiful new toy and the Gang Gangs are just the ones to help me in that department.

When I was in Wanaka I spotted a tent in a sports shop that was dome shaped and covered in camouflage material.  My eyes lit up and CCN could tell immediately what was going on in my head.  What a wonderful Hide that would make at Wombat Hollow I was thinking.  The tent had a little built in seat and everything.  Without me saying a word I heard a voice say  behind me "Don't even think about it"!!!!!  LOL

PS - I have added an extra pic of one of the Gang Gangs coming in with its landing gear in place.  It was a toss up tonight but the three tenors won.

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