The Geeky Christian

By s90man

Five Years

Well here it is, the big one! Well, I suppose ten years would be bigger, but one milestone at a time…

I decided to do a collage of my “most popular” photos for today, not that that is what Blipfoto is about. This place has shown me that a photography community can exist that is just a nice place to be and post photos without pressure to be “the best” (whatever that means in a subjective medium like photography), with nice people who are actually courteous to each other (at least outside of the forums!). Thankfully the weirdness of the last six months doesn’t seem to have changed that!

I know it’s stereotypical to say it but I honestly never thought that I’d still be a part of this community in five years when I first joined. It was just a way to motivate myself to do more photography more regularly - I didn’t hold my breath on actually liking the community or receiving any love on my photos! But time and time again this place has surprised me. This is the longest that I’ve ever stayed anywhere online!

So yeah. Keep on keeping on Blipfoto, hopefully we can keep this crazy roll that we’re on going for a while longer yet!

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