Sugar Eater

Entertainment at Lunchtime was watching Sparrows eating sugar. This fellow would appear to be a juvenile Black Throated Sparrow attacking a sugar packet which has already been opened.

We had a lovely lunch at Tohono Chul Park which is a Private Nature Preserve near Tucson. The Cafe is outdoors beside a butterfly garden. There was a nice breeze as we sat in the shade in 90+ degree temperature. Humidity is 4 to 6 percent.

Sparrows have learned to open sugar packets placed on the tables and nibble at the contents. They prefer the Raw Sugar and seem to be addicted. When a-wing they probably enjoy the ultimate Sugar High.

Staff tells us that they must clear the setups from the tables at night or else all of the packets will be pecked open by morning. They enjoy watching these nibblers all day long as they are serving their customers.

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