
By Poppy

Pond Life!

Another beautiful, sunny day. Although it was cold, and I am still hanging on to a sore throat, I couldn't stay indoors, so wrapped up in scarf and hat, I took Ollie out for a good walk. It was mostly grass verges, but he's obedient enough, and the roads are quiet enough, for him to be off the lead, so he got a fair bit of exercise.

If you read horse care books they stress the importance of giving horses clean water, in clean troughs or buckets. These looked quite happy sharing their drinking water with the ducks and geese. I suppose all the rain and sleet has flushed it over the last few days, but it is still muddy and slimey!

The stone built shelter is, I think, a shooting hide, as it is ideally positioned right by the burn. I love the turf roof on it. The big building in the background is the community centre - a hive of activity most evenings, bingo, bowls, brownies, youth club, SRWI, whist - you name it!

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