
By Croft16

Flowers on the croft..

Heath Bedstraw (I think). Galium saxatile. Tiny little flower, probably no more than 5 mm from petal tip to petal tip. Very procumbent, tightly hugging the ground, and intertwined with itself and the grasses. Leaves are hardly present, but in whorls just like it's cousin Galium aparine, Cleavers or Goosegrass. Square stemmed in cross section..

First time I've noticed this plant..

Sorted out some soil from my turf stack, and compost from the compost bin for I. Sieved and bagged, 3 bags of each, for her small raised veg bed. Also took a hen down to M, he wants one for the odd egg, and to eat before he goes back to France in a couple of months. He wasn't in, and the enclosure wasn't secure enough to leave her in it, so we brought her back home.. Took eggs to G&P, and called in the shop and garage.

Then down to the sports field to dismantle the Marquees.. Strong winds forecast for mid-week.

Back home and did a couple of hours of strimming. New water pipe and fittings turned up this morning, so will play with that tomorrow, but will need a length of 22 mm copper pipe which A is picking up in Inverness..

Nice day, overcast to begin with, but brightening up later. Cold breeze..

Extra picture in a nest with chicks. Not sure what species, but the parent flew out as I walked by. The opening in the matted grass looked like a mouse hole, but this neat nest was inside.. Carefully opened to take pic, and covered over again.. I'll keep an eye on it now. The chicks are covered in brown fluff at the moment..

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