
So...sconegate has begun!

We make scones every morning and over these last two weeks, whilst Sue has been on holiday, I have made quite a few batches. Pat describes my scones as 'rustic'.....I prefer the word 'delicious' ha ha. Anyway, I decided a few days ago to make some heart shaped ones. Today they were all heart shaped. They went down rather well I have to say....even though Pat tried to sabotage them!

Whilst I was serving a customer Pat put them in the oven, but didn't stick the timer on. "Oh just give them about another seven minutes," she laughed. About seven minutes!!! She knows every minute is crucial to the perfect scone! It is definitely sabotage!

Pat flew off on holiday this afternoon...Sue flew home from holiday this afternoon. Kreepa said I will have to go to the tearoom early tomorrow if I want to get there before Sue to make my 'delicious rustic heart scones'. I don't think so!!!!...........I have both sets of keys... Mwhah ha ha ha ha ha!

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