a modest enquirer

By lewishamdreamer

Oh Cosmo!

Cosmo has been with me for coming on nine years now, and I've been very lucky that he's been more or less well the whole time. He was very ill briefly when he was a little kitty, but my boy bounced back from that quite quickly after he visited the vet. Two years ago though he was pretty ill twice in a row with kitty 'flu, and it was thanks really to our neighbours Blake and Ian, who cared for him while we were away, that he recovered then. He's back to not being right again now, and it's a worry. 

A month or two ago he started vomiting a few hours after every meal, and after that didn't clear up on its own I took him to the vet, whom he had a lively time with after receiving two shots to make him better. He did improve more or less completely after that (so did the vet haha), but the vomiting is back again. It's not as frequent or as bad, but it's sure happening more frequently than it should. Most of the time it looks like it's hairballs, but I'm reluctant to do nothing - he's clearly distressed when this happens. I may try him on the medicated food the vet offers (which kitty adores), but it's pretty expensive and doesn't have the water content his normal food has (he's not a big drinker). If that doesn't work - vet again!

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