Texann Times

By Texann

Wall hanging

Today was Aliscotia and Longshadow's last day with me here in Texas.  Very sad.  I’ve had a wonderful, relaxing time with them and A has encouraged L and me to blip so many more times than we would have normally.  They’ve also done so much to help me around the house with some of the bigger chores that need to be done and with legal administrative stuff I have to do just now.  Even though it was their holiday, they did a lot of work and I’m so very grateful to them for it! 

We realized this morning that we hadn’t taken a picture of the three of us yet.  Longshadow does like a nicely set up shot so, just before they left, I got out my trusty tripod and remote control, then Aliscotia, our wee green frog and I were duly ‘arranged’ in the back garden.  Lee used to call these shots our latest album cover as they are reminiscent of old band LP artwork.   

A & L will be over the Atlantic now.  Missing them already.

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