Mother's Little Helper

What a wonderful, wonderful day! No lawn mower, and mum decided it was too warm for big jobs. I got to splash around nearly as long as I liked in the stream. I got to run and play on the lawn. We did some dance training. But most of the day, we were both snoozing on a blanket in the half shade under a cherry tree. Sweet!

Mum did try to get some weeding done. I devised a strategy to get her away from that and back to me. First, I took the little spade from her hand and carried it away. OK, have it then, she said and got another one. Which I also took. Eventually, all she had left was the glove. By then she had gotten the message and handed it to me, and gave up the whole thing. Success!

We had a royal wedding in Sweden today, prince Carl Philip and Sofia got married. I thought I might check it out with one eye because little princess Estelle, whom I sort of met last year (mum can't do links on the iPad but it was May 17), was going to be a bridesmaid. She did well.

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