Brown Willy & Rough Tor

‘Brown Willy’ is the highest point in Cornwall and we’ve never been there before.  So off we went for a big, long walk.

First we walked all the way up ‘Rough Tor’ and then we walked all the way down.

Then we walked all the way up ‘Brown Willy’ and then we walked all the way down.

The views from the top of both hills were amazing but do you know what?.....................  I had to stay on my lead for the whole of our walk which was almost 4 hours.  There were signs saying that doggies had to stay on their leads because there were nesting birds on the moors.  I saw loads of doggies that were disobeying the rules.  However, Ann said that even if there weren’t nesting birds she would have kept me on my lead because there were sheep, lambs, cows & ponies all over the place and I can’t be trusted not to go chasing.

It was a really hot day so even though I was on my lead when we were walking, I was allowed off lead 4 times to have a bit of splish, splash, splosh in the streams to cool me down.  That was fun.

 After our walk we went to 'The Old Inn' at St Breward (which is Cornwall’s highest inn) so that the humans could have a huge carvery.  Ann couldn’t eat all of hers so I got a few little titbits and she brought some beef & pork home for me and I had it for my dinner.  It was very scrummy, yummy.

I’ve had a lovely day out and now I’m very, very tired because walking up hills is hard work!!!  Actually I’m not tired but Ann is!!!



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