Empty shell

Sunday 14th June 2015 (1023)

An extra long morning but I've had another productive afternoon continuing to tackle the study monster. I am beginning to win but not there yet. A lot is now packed in a box to come with me this week so that I can finally get on top of it! 

Mid evening and I hadn't got a blip. I searched the garden and found this shell, although there was no-one home. 

I have been looking forward to this week, I need it! I am on a retreat/reading week. Time to catch up with myself a bit and do some reflecting. I was supposed to be going with two friends but unfortunately they've had to pull out so I have a house to myself in the Lakes. I won't have any internet so doubt I'll be able to comment. I may or may not be able to blip on my mobile. A bit of R&R this week.  

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