Snow topped mpuntains

We left Mazamet this morning, heading for Aosta in the Italian alps, with an overnight stay in the Chateau de la Tour du Puits with its Restaurant gastronome, part of our wedding anniversary celebrations.  It turned out to be the biggest disappointment of our holiday.  When we arrived late afternoon the place was deserted.  I took more than 5 minutes to find anyone on the premises, but eventually found the owner who did have our booking, but there were no other guests and we were told we couldn't have dinner.  We managed to get "une assiette" of steak with potato and asparagus on a tray at a table in the garden.  We would have gone elsewhere, but we were in the middle of nowhere and the room itself was lovely in a shabby-chic sort of way.  The snow capped mountains were about 1 hours drive from the chateau.  I thought this was Mont Blanc as it was the only mountain covered with snow.
the extra blip is the chateau

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