Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

a distant Curlew

A very grey morning but I set off at 7:30am on an optimistic walk onto the moors.

I saw none of the birds I was looking for so I guess I wasn't trying hard enough.

Wonderful to hear Curlew and Lapwing calling and further up into the hills
Skylarks singing.

quite a few Swallows and Sand Martins dashing about over the farm and the brook and a Cuckoo calling.

Later I spotted that the Snake Pass was open ( closed for road works the last 2 weeks) so dashed up in the car just to find the cloud was down and it was raining so dashed back down but stopped at the last lay-by above the old Hurst Reservior.

Above my now inaccessible former birdwatching patch we were treated to low flying Swifts, Lapwings, Oystercatchers And a Young Red Grouse family - Skylarks singing again - good news this as in recent years they seemed have reduced in numbers.

Cuckoo calling - I suppose it could be the same bird as this morning its a reasonably short distance but other reports have mentioned 2 or 3 in the area - more good news.

So good, but not the birds I was looking for the missing ( in my outings in these areas this year) flycatchers , chats and Ouzels.

Good news from a birder (Paul) I met was of Pied Flycatchers in Longdendale so near but just not here!

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