Family boat ride and fishing

My son, Nick, took my husband and my dad along with my brother-in-law Rob out for a day on the boat.  This was right before they were getting ready to leave the dock.  They had perfect weather for a day on the water.  They started out in the river and made their way to the bay and then out to sea where they anchored and did some fishing.
They caught two 3 ft long baby sharks, a couple of skate and a sea robin.  Nick then drove them along the coast to a restaurant where you can dock your boat and eat at the bar.  After lunch they made their way back to the bay where they did some more fishing. 
My dad had a great time and my son looked wiped out but really enjoyed himself. 
While they guys were all out having fun, I took a nice long walk and then after watering my flowers I went over to Target to do some shopping.  I made dinner when I got back even though it was just my daughter, granddaughter and myself that were home.  I tried a new recipe for carrot fries.  They were a hit and much healthier than French fries. 

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