A Very Long Night and Day

Grey, as well, but the sun finally came out just after lunch, although not too enthusiastically.

30 hours of not sleeping is quite a long time.  I managed about 3 naps between the poems, power naps, as they are called these days, and they helped tremendously.  A 20-minute power nap can work wonders and I know that because I used to take them regularly to but especially from work when I was working 160 km. away.  The idea is not to let them stretch much longer because then your brain will interpret a much longer sleep as real sleep and you'll get a headache when you wake up.  The alarm on my phone was conveniently put to good use.

Anyway, happy it's finished.  At one point I felt as though I was living on another planet.  Here's a short one again, which I will probably extend later.  This was submitted between 20.00 and 21.00.

In Twos
It never loses its spots, the saying goes.
But does it lose its debts?

Come here, I call to my youngest son.
What did you lie about today?

On the table, a grain of rice lies wasted.
But, no!  The table will eat it.

Watching the crow, I wish I had wings.
Already, my mouth is beak-shaped.

After dinner, time to do the dishes;
the cracks of the evening are showing.

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