Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Mixed day

This is a beautiful pink colour, but as I've said before I struggle with photographing pink and I wanted something for mono Monday.

My work has a mixture of highs and lows - makes for the variety of my job. Sorry, going on a rant now ......

Today I had low points. I cannot understand what drives people to abuse vulnerable adults. These individuals are, for whatever reason, unable to protect themselves from strangers, sometimes friends and sometimes family causing them great distress or putting them in fear of speaking out. Rant over.

My day finished on a high with the lace ladies round at mine and I managed to fight off the "oven devil" after my disaster to bake a lemon drizzle cake and some tea-bread. Good mix of trivia tonight, they are all so much cleverer than me but I put that down to them being older than me :)!


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