Nature Walk

Moira and I took a nature walk this morning through the George McGough Nature Park that is very close by us that we had never explored before.  She was very excited about our adventure as I told her she would be able to feed turtles at this park.  She throughly enjoyed feeding what looked like to be hundreds of turtles in this little pond!  Our next stop was at the nature center where there were two baby owls, a  baby hedgehog and some snakes.  They were so adorable (not the snakes!).    The center also had some rescue owls and hawks in cages that are unable to be in the wild. We watched a volunteer try to feed a baby red hawk that was missing a talon. Moira was very fascinated with this hawk.  After awhile we went in search of the playground where she burned off some more energy!  This park was very lovely with many trails to explore.  I enjoyed seeing Moira's interested in all the animals.  Our last stop was the butterfly garden which was full of many different varieties.  Thank you Debbi for telling me about this park! I also uploaded some more photos on Flicker if you want to have a look.  Hope everyone had a wonderful Monday!

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