
We’d planned a 44-mile round trip by bike to Quorn in Leicestershire today but by a series of unplanned meanderings, mainly around Loughborough, it managed to turn instead into 58 miles. What can I say, it’s not as if we didn’t have a map. And an iphone.  And directions printed off from Google. Add to that a tumble in a puddle by Loughborough University (caused, in the main, by misjudging the traction of my new, thinner tyres) and it’s safe to say that there are some tired and battered legs in the Prime household this evening. I did dig out an old compact, recharge the battery last night, wrap it in a freezer bag and stow it in my backpack with the spare inner tubes and the sandwiches so I am at least able to bring you this one, odd, slightly murky picture of the new tramworks at Clifton to commemorate the whole adventure (not that we intended to come back via Clifton at all but that’s a whole other story.) Small mercies and all that…

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