
By KarmaTengye

Unexpected delights and rainbows

It's a public holiday - youth day - the anniversary of the Soweto riots.  Yesterday our government defied the rule of law and let a mass murderer leave the country.  Mind blowing really.  The weather has been wild, windy and very wet.   Yet ... I've felt so deeply centred, unshakable and at peace.  Most welcome after last weeks turmoil.  
I took the dogs out in the storm; I love the wildness of being out in the wind and rain (of course, knowing I have a warm house and fire to return to).  I found "my" owls in their usual tree, all ruffed up against the cold.  They followed me with their eyes (able to turn 360 degree!!) as I tried to get an unobstructed photograph from below.  This is the best I could do.  I pray for those beings out in this weather - may they all find warmth and shelter so they can know the joy of being alive.  

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