A flower made of flowers

Firstly a big thank you for all those hearts and stars that have put yesterday's mellow yellow onto page 3 of popular blips, the best yet for me :-)))

Only a quick garden blip today for Tiny Tuesday3. This is a persicaria that drapes itself over one of our border walls. When you look closely at each candle like flower spike, it is made up of hundreds of tiny individual flowers.

Today has been another busy one! Beauticians this morning (couldn't do anything for me lol!) then another watering session in the garden, followed by lunch, then to start the packing. Pleased to say got everything into the two medium sized cases both weighing in around 17kgs, which is great, since we have an allowance of 23!

Hand luggage consists mainly of camera, lenses, mini tripod and other bits of paraphernalia ;-) my kindle and a book for the journey.

We've had dinner, just cleaned out the fridge, thrown out the flowers, that just leaves the kitchen floor, then showers etc. and that's it.
We can't decide whether to go to bed early tonight or just stay up?!! Taxi coming at some ungodly hour.......3.30am :-/

There is free wifi at our hotel, so hopefully i will be able to blip but comments might be a bit scarce for the next 10 days.

Italy here we come....... :- D

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