twinned with trumpton


0530 is way too early as James Yorkston might have sung during BST not GMT.

Kids awake and up and that was that; I gave them TV and laptops and breakfast and they carried on at 100mph where they left off the night before.
Boys home at 9; G and I went to the allotment with fish boxes and compost, then Nike for a £5 hoodie and finally wove our way to hers to drop her home; minor drama when she had a Goldilocks moment (it wasn't the porridge; it was her big brother's mate, still hammered, asleep in her bed...)
I tidied, and left to do work at mine; that done back across town for communal weekly shop and finish the painting of the living room.

That done, we settled into Sunday roast and I was out at a decent hour for a school night; lovely light over the harbour as I cycled home; another tired but fulfilling day done.

There's new bill boards at Lidl to be plundered

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