Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

The fisherman

Many thanks for recent comments. Sorry I haven't been able to comment back but it's difficult staying with friends. I'll be back in Guernsey on Friday and then have 3 weeks to get all my possessions packed into boxes ready to be shipped to Alderney in a container. It certainly seems a dramatic leap back in time to the days when you didn't drive on and off the ferry... I'm learning the Alderney way of getting things done; you just ask somebody (preferably the most unlikely person it seems) how to get something done and they will arrange it. It's always so and so's son who does it...Bones will get my belongings from the container to my flat; Louis' son will put the wardrobe back together and so it goes on. It's all coming together slowly. No actually it's happening pretty quickly. I'm really looking forward to being settled again. Maybe I won't move again; EVER 

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