
By cate1


For some reason I had expected Reims to be quite a run-down sort of place, but I was mistaken.  Away from the city centre there is evidence of much redevelopment with very contemporary apartment blocks built beside much older properties.  I was ignorant of the fact that it is in the capital of the Champagne area of eastern France. The town centre itself was, as you can see, simply bustling with activity; perhaps because in June of each year there is a festival dedicated to St. Joan of Arc (right side of blip). 

Forgive me posting the starter we had for our meal, but I was so surprised by its appearance.  We had ordered Thai chicken roll, which in Britain is usually some chicken and beansprouts wrapped in a crisp filo pastry.  These was slices of chicken breast with rice, beansprouts etc.   wrapped in some sort of rice paper, served with sesame dressing on the side.  Delicious.   

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