Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

A family affair

It was my first physio appointment yesterday (well when I say first I mean first of my latest referral, which is a general one to help with my wonky joints). So the timing was good after my fall and I got my foot looked at.

there was me thinking he would say its looking good, I think you can go back to running slowly (as soon as I cant wear shoes again - top of foot still a bit tender from bruising).

But alas no :(

My left foot is very weak and the weakness is not the result of injury in fall, just not enough time has past for it to be that weak. So that might be why I fell and could even explain some of the drunken wobbles (you know the non alcoholic ME kind). My foot isnt strong enough to correct me if it rolls (you know like when you find a dip in the path), so I have some special exercises to do 3 to 4 times every other day.

I also have some exercises to strengthen my wrists as they are becoming painful - I have a lot of strength in my arms but we are working on the muscles that support the wrist.

So this is step one.

In the mean time as I am training for a half marathon I have been told I can cycle and hoping I can find some spare pennies for a few weeks at the gym to use the cross trainer, I cant afford to lose my muscle tone that I've fought to build up as its this which is helping to control the pain (not to mention the fact that it will put my training back).

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