
By Instography


Scooted up to the City Chambers to take advantage of the free rolls (sausage or bacon or (it seemed) deeply unpopular veggie sausages) and coffee from the council. I've never quite understood why the council feeds cyclists once a year but I didn't press the question. Just ate and then baled out before the speeches started. 

If there were prizes for the weirdest bike this would surely win. The owner seems to have gone to great trouble to be able to add extras.

On to work for breakfast 2 and there was work of course. Then to the swimming to meet the family and have a wee sleep in the car while I waited. That's always a wee treat. And home. 

The excitement is rebuilding the iTunes library, which seems to have got itself corrupted and also seems to be using about 100GB more than it needs in duplicate files.

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