The Green Grass of Home

By aCaseiro

Elegy for a trip to Lisbon

Elegy : sad and melancholic poem usually composed for a funeral... 

I'm a t the top of the world , because of this photo.... I posted a small serie at the Portuguese Photography Forum and I got a few nice comments (and a few not so good too), but I got a "private" message form APAF... Portuguese Association of the Art of Photography
here is the message translated the best I can 

"We found very interesting your approach. One of the pictures is truly excepcional in aesthetic  terms (the one i'm posting here).. some others can make a good set. It's not important the technical rigor ) in this case.. in what concerns about the dirty windows, the vignette.... It's a modern look needing a more uniform coherence and a lot more work, including the concept, who is somewhat vague. This can be a good starting point for a photgraphic work and we are avalable to have with you a casual concersation / contac.... Best Regards - APAF"

It's a small serie of pictures I shot from the train while crossing Lisbon's  satellite cities and the industrial area before the city... all of them but one were shot with the train on the move, and I did not do any edition... 

Recently I got some sort of "revelation" when lookig at the work of Harry Gruyaert and his series Rivages... and I am very impressed with his works and I am trying to make a photography more simple and from the hearth without worrying about editions and other  "mannerisms" and even not being so "judgemental" about what I see... .. I just go around with my Ricoh , point and shoot.. that's it...

the complete series here...

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