Proud Weegie

By Shiv

there were 10 in the bed....

I was digging into the attic for old Brass Band photos and came across a few other photo gems.

Christmas morning we would all pile into mum and dad's bed (even the dog would climb in!) - to open presents.  This picture would have been taken with my 16th birthday present - a Kodak Disc Camera.  The chicken hat was my dad's, the ET T-shirt for my brother. Middle sister got a Pink Panther and eldest daughter is hiding under a hat in this photo.

This was a typical Christmas morning.  Mum would be saying " can anyone smell the turkey yet??" ,  Dad would be counting the Golf Balls he got in his stocking (he ONLY asked Santa for Golf Balls!!).

This makes me smile.  We had great times in this house.

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