Retreats & Gigs

Today was my retreat day - I took myself off and had the day with my Bible, journal, and some books I'm currently reading...a really good & restorative time!
Then tonight I was photographing the opening gig at Ibiza Rocks for the British newspaper here - SUCH an amazing gig, support were Blonde and the main guys were Years & Years. Had never heard of them before tonight, though I did recognise this track. They were SO good...I just LOVE live music! Met loads of new & wonderful of those exhilarating nights! Funny how the fashion photography leaves me drained and headachy, but music photography leaves me totally buzzing and on a high...Have added in a shot of the crowd LOVING the main guys.
An amazing night, not least because we had 'access all areas' passes! Wednesday nights are going to be fun this summer!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny having Asha all day so I could go off on retreat.
2) Photography opportunities, again! It's been a fantastic week in that respect.
3) Getting to hear 2 good bands for free!

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