Last of the Autumn Leaves

Today, thank goodness, has been a little less stressful. John got his registration for the car. Then I took his car to do some shopping and get a new battery for the remote. That the problem with keyless cars you can't lock them when the battery of the remote goes.

Great to be able to lock my car now so I can get to my Hypnotherapy class in the morning... if I am not snowed in!

I was just leaving the shopping mall when the rain started. It was so lovely and warm when I arrived. They said it was going to get rough with storms in the South Island. Here are some photos and write up of the snow that is falling down south so far. Don't think Christchurch will get the snow, but you never know. It sure is raining and has turned really cold.

Luckily I took this shot just before going out this morning. With all the rain they may not be there tomorrow.

It is great to be able to think clearly again as my headache is much better, still there, but not as bad. Thank goodness. Think the tablet worked.

Golden Leaf
A Golden leaf is carried by the wind
A piece of gold is floating
One golden leaf is trying to find
Your own piece in the skyline, the leaf is flying.

Golden leaf flies among butterflies
Golden leaf reaches
The rays of light, the clouds
The highest trees.

A piece of gold sleeps
In the arms of space
Without a trace
Of despair. 

Poem by Marcondes Pereira

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