
By LeeAnne

The Road Home...

Busy day at work, although it's very fair to say that I could seriously get used to a three day week! Glad it's Friday even though the weather is dreich!

I went home to my parent's house after work to drop off my suitcase as they're off galavanting (to me galavanting doesn't quite mean that - especially not when referring to my parents - but you get the idea!) again on Monday. Oh to be retired! Their house will always be home for me. One day I'll go back hopefully not for a while mind and live there once more. I'm a bit of a sentimental sort although given my love of old stuff I think you probably know this already. I like old stuff. Stuff with history and stories behind it.

This is my favourite road in the whole world. It looks fabulous in every season but I fear that it's going to be ruined sometime in the not too distant future. There are houses sprouting up in the areas I always thought were greenbelt areas. It appears not... money does indeed make the world go round. Still, at least I have some pics of it... maybe I'll do one each season.

So I parked the car and stood in the pissing rain, dodging the traffic and waited till there was a gap to take a few pics. I was peeped at twice and had a few funny looks... par for the course in my world. I can't decide if I like it better in colour or mono so you can have both today. The leaves look really luscious and green with all the rain. It's fair to say that I got soaked in the name of a blip!

I'm going to stay up really late tonight and sleep part of the day cause I'm pulling an all-nighter as a volunteer for the Moonwalk tomorrow night... I've looked out my waterproofs already as I'm not expecting it to be dry. Good luck to all those taking part... we'll be at mile 1 and mile 23 so look out for us if you pass. I'm registering to do it next year. I figure if I can do almost half a marathon in flip flops with no training then I should manage it in sensible shoes with a year to train!

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