Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

On the bus

Bit of a non-day for us. Elizabeth went off to have fun with my sister and her in-laws. They went to the railway museum and Yorvik museum in York.

We went to York too, but decided to try to find a walk in NHS clinic before doing anythng interesting. There wasn't one open, so we ended up sat in the hospital for 3 hours waiting to see an out of hours GP. Jeff took Rebecca for a walk for most of the time, so their day wasn't completely wasted.

I had pains in all of my muscles like I had been at the gym for 24 hours, and it had been going on for 4 days, getting worse each day. It also made my hands so weak that I couldn't hold things (including babies and toddlers). The doctor said it was a post viral thing and he gave me drugs that worked wonderfully!

I wish I had been able to see a bit more of York though. It has been years since I was last there.

In the evening Rebecca tried her first baked beans and loved them. Everyone is very impressed with her eating. She's eaten a lot more than Elizabeth has so far!

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