End of year exhibition

So tonight was the end of year photography and art exhibition at Leon's college

Through the year he'd worked really hard on the projects and I really liked his work but he's had a tough time with the teacher over some aspects of it and with juggling it with his btec creative media he has decided just to take if at as level and not continue next year

This is some of his exhibition

Walking round looking at some of the others it was quite disturbing to see some students had used family photos then either burnt / scratched / cut off the faces or replaced them with animal heads and quite a lot of them were very similar

And lots showed lots of use of photoshopping too

We also looked round the art work (Leon was told he couldn't take art as he only got a c in his GCSE art) and that was disappointing too although I'm sure the students worked hard if just wasn't to my taste and again lots had been done using computer graphics

I know this post sounds quite negative but with Leon getting such criticism from his teacher I guess I was expecting more

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