Dog Days and Life

By hellcats


Today has been a mixed day.....

Cedar....his hormones continue to surge. Today he met Tilly, a very lovely rescue whippet belonging to Mick. We stood and watched them run round and round and round and round the field. Cedar was outrun for a while...then....powered by just hormones and testicles he ran her down. He spent some time trying to decide what position or angle to position himself in...but this time........and probably before this she had the measure of him and spent a lot of time telling him where to go........I think he heard something different though....

Before his antics a visit to the vets to get a weigh in....25.5kg......lots of weight put on since illness......the fun and food continues..

Drake on a separate and altogether more peaceful walk decided to roll in fox shit......the answer tomato long as you like the smell of tomato ketchup...

"The two canals, fashioned by the gods, in which man's power rests, in thy testicles . . . . . . . . . . . . I break them with a club."

Atharva Veda quotes

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