I got a shock this morning when I loaded the washing machine. There lying in wait was a HUGE spider in the laundry basket. I know it doesn't look that big in the picture - but honestly it was the biggest spider I have seen for a while.  So, how to get it outside - on my own, without alerting Indie. Laundry basket carefully carried outside. Mop in one hand to lift spider out with and broom in other to distract Indie.  Yeah worked. Then the spider that I hand put on a plant walked along the path in front of Indie. I quickly scooped him up in the mop again and put him further back on the plants.  If you are wondering - no I am not keen on spiders - in fact any bugs!

We all found out where we are next year. I am still in year 6 which is good but have mixed feelings about the class I am in. Or not as the case maybe.  Its a new concept to how we will work so wait and see. Also moving rooms which will be a bit of a shock to the system, going from the largest sunniest, to the smallest darkest. Looking on the plus side - we can't fit many kids in there! 

All packed for York Rally tomorrow after school, and have my Fame costume ready for the Dance off day at school.

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