
By cowgirl


At 11am on 18th June, 1815, the Battle of Waterloo began when Napoleon launched an infantry attack on the strategically vital château of Hougoumont. For eight hours the French battered the compound, but it's defenders held fast. Meanwhile Wellington's line was also under attack, saved only when the Anglo-Allied cavalry charged the French down, capturing two French 'Eagles' but losing a third of its men in the process. At 3pm and for the following two hours, the French cavalry attacked the Anglo-Allied troops. But the Allies, formed into tight squares bristling with guns and bayonets, proved unbeatable. Meanwhile the Prussians had fought their way to within reach of Napoleon's headquarters and the scene was set for the final showdown.

Napoleon deployed the Imperial Guard, his ' invincibles', against the Allied-Anglo line. As the Invincibles advanced, Wellington gave the order to open fire. The Invincibles fell back under the ensuing firestorm. As they retreated, panic spread amongst the French and their resolve crumbled. Napoleon was defeated - but only just. It was, as Wellington reflected, " the nearest run thing you ever saw in your life ".
I applied for a free campaign medal that was advertised a few weeks ago. There are six more to collect but you have to pay for those, so we're just sticking with the one! The wording above is an extract from the information that came with the medal.

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