Snippets of Life

By betho

7 men and a tent

A 3 man tent.

So the camping day arrived! J and E drove down from Reading with Tom and NT picking up G from Bristol on the way before finding Becca and I in Cardiff. They were a little later arriving than planned, which was probably a good thing as i somehow managed to only just be ready despite spending all morning in a rush!

So we had lunch here and set off mid afternoon to Llanelli. Us 4 in E's car arrived a bit later fine to find the J's car with him and NT and G were lost miles away. Eventually they made it to us and our random unorganised but very cheap campsite (/field). It was well past 6 by now and we were all pretty tired and hungry so us 3 girls rushed off to Asda to stock up on food for the weekend leaving the boys in the drizzle to put the tents up.

As we were at the checkout we got a phone call. 'So... Jamie hasn't got the tent poles for his tent..' Of course this was followed by much discussion/frustration/stress... we rushed about to various supermarkets and shops to see if we could find a tent before they all shut but it was to no avail. So there we were, 7 people, a 3 man tent and a lot of rain!

We decided to stick it out anyway. J and G constructed a shelter using a groundsheet and a car... The other 2 boys slept in the cars and us girls got the comfort of my little tent as planned. (After all it wasn't our fault the poles were forgotten!)

So anyway! Here we are all squidged in my tent for dinner, thankfully i cooked the curry yesterday so that made life a bit easier at least!!

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