
By BacardiBev

Spinnaker Tower

No work today so I thought a trip over to Gun Wharf Quays to have a pre holiday clothes shop

Set of really early so I would miss the crowds

Found nothing I liked apart from the view of the spinnaker tower and as I have been to the top and abseiled down I thought a photo from the bottom looking up was a must................!

The construction of the Spinnaker Tower began 2001 and was completed in mid-2005 and stands at a height of 170 meter above sea level

The tower is visible for miles around Portsmouth, changing the horizon of the area. It can be seen from the Isle of Wight, the Manhood Peninsula and even High down Gardens in Worthing

The city council announced a £3.5m deal with airline Emirates to rebrand the Spinnaker Tower earlier this month. And will be known as the Emirates Spinnaker Tower from July 2015 and is to be painted blue and gold

So watch this space

Have a great weekend everybody........................!

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