Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

St Mary's Church


Ask anyone from Warwickshire or the midlands to name a building that impresses them in Warwick town and 99% will obviously say Warwick Castle.

The castle is by no doubt a beautiful example, if you'd have asked me six months ago I too would have said the castle.

But since moving here I've noticed wherever you are in Warwick or the surrounding areas this church towers above everything.

St Mary's Church is in the centre a five minute walk from the castle. Built in 1123 the crypt still houses the original ducking stool!! A lot of it was destroyed in the great fire of Warwick but was restored to this now beautiful building.

We had a quick walk around the town usual bunch of Friday night idiots about with the usual stupid comments about Roo(rat) handbag dog etc, but it made up for it when we got to the church doors to hear the organ blasting out very haunting music.

I've been told you can go up the tower and the views are amazing I'm just outside looking up at it whilst I put this blip on wondering if I have the guts to go that high!

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