St Clair Avenue

The pace seems to be increasing, not relenting....

Birthday in da house; the ripe old age of 8; with attendant food, cake baking, friends over, more food, sugar intake, and all the while trying to pack for a weekend of wholesome exercise and fresh air (with a large carry oot, just in case...)

Me and the wee one scooted through Leith on our travels and paused momentarily to grab this one; proclaiming the joys of Cigs and Celtic all on the one sign.

Metal sign posts are always a bugger to do (I'm led to believe...); non porous and really bad for the ultimate faux pas of the casual tagger - the drip and the run. (I know there's a lot of readers out there in their sixties and seventies will relate to that)

But the master Cigs has pulled off a perfect spray painted rendering in white; halo above the I. Unlike the Celtic one which looks like it was done by a teenage delinquent. Ironic, huh?

Extra photo - Dennis Nordenesque out take; It'll Be All Right On The Night moment

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