Extremes - cruise ship & Mulberry harbour

Weather has been ok some sun but still chilly in the shade. It was my friends birthday today and another had his onTuesday so the 4 of us went out for breakfast which was a good start to the day.  Came home and did gardening for two hours, only went to take the rubbish bins back down the garden!  Went to see mum this afternoon and she seemed ok.  Came home had dinner and then went over to the garrison for a walk.  Liked this shot of a cruise ship? and the Mulberry harbour with Kent coastline. History bit - This is the remains of Mulberry harbour caisson which was devised specifically for the D-Day landings of June 1944. Among the components were re-inforced concrete caisssons, code name "Phoenix".  Seen here are the remains of one such structure, which broke up while under tow off Shoeburyness. Noticed there is a little egret amongst the birds too! Also put on an extra shot of a moth anyone know what it is?
Hope you all have a great weekend

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