
By ChrisGroucutt


Joe and I joined a Table Tennis club! I used to be crazy about table tennis when I was younger, and Joe has gone the same way and has a real fascination for the game, so I figured we'd better get playing.

It's early days, but he's come on in leaps and bounds since we joined, and really shows a flair for it. Fingers crossed he sticks with it.

It's hard for kids these days, with a billion other distractions flooding their senses. Not like when I was young. We had 3 tv channels, no internet, and an Atari 2600 games machine. Oh, and a Sinclair Spectrum that you had to wait a week for the games to load. Different days entirely.

I wouldn't say life was better then, not at all. But I would say it was simpler.
Which is why I'm loving doing this with Joe. What could be simpler than a couple of bats, a ball and a table with a net? 


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