Simmer Nights

It's been a calm and warm day but overcast more the most of it.  After tea, the sun came out to play and it's been a lovely sunny evening and night :)

A busy day at work in the museum and we've been short staffed, due to holidays.  We had Mootie Moose on, our preschool club and plenty of visitors and bikers too.  I was meant to be in the office this afternoon but stayed on the desk.
A lazy evening to start with but when the sun came out, off me and Sammy went.  My big brother Jonny turned 40 today but he wasn't in when I went to visit.  Me and Sammy went for a walk in the hills above Maywick and enjoyed the views.  Went along my sister Laura and then we headed out to see the sunset with mam and niece Elise.  We popped along Maywick again on the way home.

With the clear skies this evening, meant a long day :)  This was taken at 11.30pm along the Maywick road.  I do love these long days and please let us get some more.  Mam grew up in Maywick, at the end of the road, next to the beach.  

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