One of the first awake today at 8:30...went for a stroll with one of the girls. Found the small local beach....at the water's edge we could almost touch side to side. Think it was the smallest beach in the world!!! The water looked so inviting we decided to go for a dip....except I hadn't got my swimwear. No one about....I'll go in in my knickers...enjoying the swim but it was very cold...just about to get out when 4 young man men came and stood chatting for a while. Gosh I was cold when I eventually got out!!!!!
Got the taxi to Calan Bosh (after calling a taxi firm in Barcelona by mistake!!) had a lovely day at the beach.
In the evening went into Ciutadella for a delicious meal in the harbour.

Got home at 11:30...just in time for fairy lights and candle time on the patio with a cuppa.

For CPS....beach baby beach baby give me your hand. The girls are loving this. Xx

HAPPY....Had chocolate soup for dessert...mmmmm

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