Aboard the Mayflower II

Dear Diary,

I visited the Mayflower II in Plymouth yesterday and was finally able to step onto my ancestors mode of transportation to the New World.  (Well, a re-creation of course but a fairly accurate one.)  It seemed impossibly small to hold the 125 passengers and crew she carried on that fateful journey.

I was also able to solve a little mystery.  I have wondered why my ancestor, Edward Doty along with another indentured servant, signed the Mayflower Compact.  It is conjectured that because they had not landed at their intended site there was concern about the legality of the enterprise and the leaders of party wanted to be sure all men were fully committed to it.  Perhaps Doty felt his indenture was no longer valid and this was a way to hold him and Edward Leister to it.  No one can know for sure but it seemed feasible.  They were the last two to sign so perhaps a bit of arm twisting was involved. 

I've added a collage of photographs of details of the ship.  I was drawn to the intricate lines of the rigging against the grey sky.  We are supposed to get the remnants of Tropical Storm Bill out on Nantucket on Sunday unfortunately but considering what my Pilgrim ancestor endured it seems totally insignificant.

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