
By deb66

Tennis anyone?

The British weather has a lot to answer for, went to Ilkley tennis club today to watch some tennis, like you do!

The first final was meant to be on at 11am followed by the next one at 1pm.

Arrived early to get a good seat, only to be told that there would be no play til 12.30 because of the rain, another announcement play to start at 1.30, then another one to say it would start at 2, all the time they are coming out to check the courts and take off some of the water that's on the court. Finally the rain stops and play started at 2.45, with the men's doubles, good to watch seeing as one pair were British brothers.

However they list 2 sets to love, good game to watch though.

Next on was the men's singles final, no Brits in this one, but still a good game to watch. The winner was Daniel Bergman and he has been given a wild card entry into Wimbledon because of his win today.

Had a good day, despite the rain. Home again now feel shattered, as it's hard work sitting still for hours!

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