Blowing My Own Trumpet !

Two of my photographs have won awards in a competition organised by the Cambridge camera club, which I am going to join. The theme was buildings of any kind. The top one is of New Court in Christ's college. A controversial tiered concrete building, dubbed 'The Typewriter' designed by Sir Denys Landon 1966-70. The photo below is of the Faculty of History which houses the Seeley Library designed by James Stirling 1968. This is on The Sidgwick Site, West Road, Cambridge. I like the photo underneath mine but can't place it.  I  have added extra photos of the Festival Fun Day, Sadly, a lot of the arena events had to be cancelled as it rained heavily. Still, many braved the weather and I found a seat in the refreshment marquee where I could see and hear the bands, one being the community college folk band who were squashed together on the stage.

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