
This is Jim. Jim has just turned 94 and friends had bought him and his wife a luxury afternoon tea. Well I made a big fuss of Jim...and he just loved it. "Oooh don't encourage him," chuckled his wife. If you can't make a fuss of someone when they turn 94 then when can you ha ha.

He was rather chuffed when I took a decorated plate with a little chocolate cake and a candle out for him. As I started to sing Happy Birthday everyone in the room joined in...."Oh you've made his day," said his wife....she told me that about ten times. They were two happy people. Oh, we made quite a few people happy today...we were on a roll :))

After work I went up to my brother's house to help him clean it.Tenants had done a runner and left it in a dreadful state. He had done a great job, only breaking off to nip down to the tearoom where I sorted him out with a slap up breakfast. 

Whilst I was sweeping the decking I slipped and had a cracking fall....my swollen hand, ouch. My yanked shoulder, ouch. My back...OUCH. I am so bloody clumsy!

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