
By springlilly

Patience required

I have been going to the same hairdresser, Toni, since I was 18, a long time really (she is now someone I consider a friend). My appointment was after work en route to Donegal, to fit in with my schedule. While I was under the gadget, that develops the colour, she attempted to cut Katy’s hair. Katy is a very special little girl, her Mum, Fiona’s father is a cousin of my Dads.

The performance Toni had to go through to cut Katy’s hair was challenging & Fiona’s patience & explanations as to why it needed cut & the consequence of not having it cut was amazing. Also, lots of questions had to be answered about all that Toni was doing to Fiona’s hair & my hair. In the end Katy’s hair was only 90% cut, poor Toni never gets a chance to complete the job, as Katy is so sensitive to hair or anything touching the back of her neck.

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