Mount Hutt

Today I ventured into uncharted regions of ice and snow on the other side of my back lawn to get this shot of Mount Hutt, where the ski season opened this morning. The mountain is a long way from my lawn, but the shot has compressed the landscape.

The snow is not so deep now, only about 30 cms, apart from the deep drifts. My son has cleared paths in the front. I can't believe how much effort is required to go anywhere in my garden. I need to plan my route according to tracks I've already made. I made it to the greenhouse, some 10 metres from the back door. My winter greens are looking perky.

I hung out another lot of hand washed laundry and got it to the drip free stage so that I can finish it in the kitchen. My son texted me from Christchurch to say that he bought a new washing machine that would be delivered next week. Great news.

Now the fire is struggling to make headway with the falling temperature. The corner where my computer is could be used as a chiller.

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